Review Articles

Sr. No. Particulars Page No.
1 Yeole PG. Quality in Pharma education: role of teacher, technology and management. The Indian Pharmacist. 2010;9(5):21-5.
2 Iyer D, Yeole PG. A perspective on compulsory licensing provisions. The Pharma Review. 2011; July-August: 85-94.
3 Yeole P G Reframing Pharmacy Education through need based approach. The Indian Pharmacist. 2011.
4 Yeole PG. Roadmap for strengthening Pharma Education in changing scenario. The Indian Pharmacist. 2012; 11(11):17-20.
5 Gadkari P, Dahikar G, Ganjiwale R. A Review on Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 2020; 13(10):4961-4965.
6 Moon B, Dahikar G, Ganjiwale R. A Review on Huntington's Disease. Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 2020; 13(10):4990-4995.